Many changes happen during this time frame that can be very difficult to understand or work through. I can work with you on adjustment difficulties, managing stress and anxiety, depression symptom management, problem solving skills, solutions to issues that have come up, maintaining healthy boundaries, traumas that have occurred, and many more.
One of the biggest and most important things to remember during this time frame is to remember that there are many changes happening that are typically stressful. We will work to firm up coping skills and strategies to manage stressful situations, and work together through the changes and challenges to help you to continue on your path, whatever that may be for you.
Examples of some of the things that young adults come in looking for help with are as follows, but not limited to:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Boundary setting/managing
- Fear of the future
- Adjusting to changes
- Body image
- Trauma
- Family conflict
- Relationship difficulties
- Substance use